Use "evolutionist|evolutionists" in a sentence

1. Evolutionists are not unlike Bible critics.

2. 22 So how do evolutionists explain the source of life?

3. Janabi investigated the arguments put forth by evolutionists.

4. In fact, this peer reviewer was an ardent evolutionist and Abiogenesist

5. Evolutionists admit there are no written records from the “Stone Age.”

6. I would wager that their IQ is exactly the same as the average evolutionist.

7. For years evolutionists claimed that life began in a warm pool of organic “soup.”

8. As a result, evolutionists postulate, these isolated groups eventually developed into totally new species.

9. Ambulocetus is assumed by evolutionists to be proof that whales evolved from land mammals

10. As to the emergence of the apes, evolutionists say that ‘the fossil record is hopelessly incomplete’

11. 3 Not many of us have made an in- depth study of the numerous theories advanced by evolutionists.

12. Nor will admissions made by evolutionists concerning the weaknesses of their case come as a surprise to you.

13. Historically, evolutionists have recognized that Abiogenesis is a fundamental assumption inherent in evolutionary theory, and intuitively must be so

14. Even some evolutionists say admiringly: “The most arresting thing about the human body is that it is unique.

15. Evolutionists claim that “nature” accepts only those changes that confer some immediate use or advantage to the organism.

16. Evolutionists claim that the best mechanisms are automatically selected because the living things that have them survive better.

17. Niles Eldredge, a staunch evolutionist, admits that the record shows that for long periods of time, “little or no evolutionary change accumulates in most species.”

18. Also, in recent scientific literature a number of evolutionists themselves have conducted a steady drumbeat of criticism against the current theory.

19. Evolutionists say that the next step was for the ‘simple’ single-celled organisms such as the amoeba to develop into many-celled organisms.

20. The entire effort, Coyne says, shows “evolutionists indulging in their favorite game—Adaptionism—by imagining scenarios of evolution fixing various things, regardless of …

21. In the alleged process of humans evolving from primates, evolutionists have considered the most important event to be the evolution of Bipedal locomotion

22. Hear what the creationists and the evolutionists -- not the mention the Abiogenesists, catastrophists, cosmologists, and theologists -- are saying to each other these days

23. Richard Lewontin, an influential evolutionist, candidly wrote that many scientists are willing to accept unproven scientific claims because they “have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”

24. Benga is frequently cited by scholars in studies of the evolutionist roots of racism, exploitation of third world cultures, museum theory, and injustices of the African American experience

25. Evolutionists make much of a 1952 experiment in which scientists ran a spark through a mixture of gases and synthesized numerous chemicals, including some amino acids.

26. In the following image, side by side, you can see the typical display of Ambulocetus by evolutionists (constructed by Thewissen), and just below that are the bones that were actually discovered.

27. But let’s set that mountain aside and have evolutionist Robert Shapiro, professor of chemistry at New York University and a specialist in DNA research, dispose of the chance formation of nucleotides and nucleic acids in early earth’s environment:

28. We sometimes get complaints from evolutionists when we include Abiogenesis [the spontaneous origin of life from non-life] in our definition of evolution because Abiogenesis is, quite literally, dead on arrival

29. 29 Held up in between two human fingers, this amazing two-headed African Spurred Tortoise is a rare sight to behold - and even evolutionist Charles Darwin would struggle to explain its unique deformity.

30. After criticizing some of Richard Dawkins’ reasoning, influential evolutionist Richard Lewontin wrote that many scientists are willing to accept scientific claims that are against common sense “because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.”

31. Niles Eldredge, a staunch evolutionist, states that the fossil record shows, not that there is a gradual accumulation of change, but that for long periods of time, “little or no evolutionary change accumulates in most species.”

32. 1889, Justin Winsor, Narrative and Critical History of America, volume I, page 375: Two of the most celebrated of the evolutionists reject the Autochthonous view, for Darwin's Descent of Man and Haeckel's Hist

33. WHAT IS THE AGE OF THE UNIVERSE? The case for a "young" universe, which even some Christian Accommodationists and evolutionists have acknowledged to be more consistent with Genesis than an "old age" view

34. Remember, the Darwinists, Evolutionists, Naturalists, Materialists, Atheists, and Abiogenesists literally want you to believe that genomes, proteins, ribosomes, mitochondria, living cells, eyes, synapses, neurotransmitter systems, physical brains, and the complex designs and programming associated with each of these can spontaneously generate

35. Abiogenesists are celebrating water discolouring in a test-tube in their labs – but that’s nothing – two new species have also been discovered – The Peckerhead Fish and the Pegasus Dog, and it’s got me, a formerly devout and militant anti-evolutionist sceptic, really excited.

36. ‘The defendants Avowed intention was to disrupt the airfield.’ ‘The Italian Pontecorvo, an Avowed communist, had wanted to make a tract against colonialism.’ ‘He is, at once, a forward looking evolutionist, and an Avowed eugenicist.’ ‘She firmly believes in her father's Avowed words.’

37. ‘The defendants Avowed intention was to disrupt the airfield.’ ‘The Italian Pontecorvo, an Avowed communist, had wanted to make a tract against colonialism.’ ‘He is, at once, a forward looking evolutionist, and an Avowed eugenicist.’ ‘She firmly believes in her father's Avowed words.’